Love my time with Christina.

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Thursday, February 9, 2017, 04:17 - General
Posted by Administrator
I have the urge to install a citizens band radio in the van.Posted by Administrator
I miss running radio.
The downside is having the antenna on the roof and driving in parking ramps.
Ho hum.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017, 05:31 - General
Posted by Administrator
So I saw one of those battery banks to charge a cell phone on sale. After some thought, I purchased it.Posted by Administrator
So, I keep that in the van plugged in. Then, if I have troubles on the road, no worries about having a dead battery on the cell phone.

Sunday, February 5, 2017, 16:14 - General
Posted by Administrator
Posted by Administrator
Happy New Day
I have learned from my hero to appreciate each and every day.
So happy new day everyone.
Thank you Christina for helping me to become a better person.

Love walking with you Christina.

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