Monday, October 10, 2011, 16:26 - General
Posted by Administrator
It has been way too warm for this time of year. Not a fan.Posted by Administrator
What's been going on. Let's see where to start.
Loads of pictures.
Running a backup, hint hint. Reorganized the pictures of friends and family. Made a page for us to preview the family pics. The most recent pics of Christina are also in the queue.
The file with the list of the pictures has grown to an unreasonable amount. I don't want to compress/uncompress the file when needed. I would rather find a better way to accomplish the task. Maybe a db.
Been doing laundry while doing the computer stuff and found myself tired of multiple floors. And I lost track of time. Does that mean I'm busy. Hmm.
Also cleaning house of all the software CDs. Wow, there is a lot of stuff. I tossed better than a dozen so far. I think I will also verify the DVD backup of pictures.
Christina was walking very well this weekend in her braces. I am so proud of her. She didn't want to go to school today. Seemed odd. Maybe she just wanted to hang with dad. I think I like that thought best.