Last night Christina and the snow biz committee had their pictures taken. Christina was sitting on the snowmobile with daddy. I was doing clucking for laughter purposes. Anyway to anyone who sees the picture know that all the smiles are laughing at me. It was all worth it though.
Tomorrow Christina is getting her pictures done by herself by Giles for UCP events and to be published. I am hoping that she is up to it and in a great mood. Today she seems under the weather and has a slight fever. So I am not sure if it is the same lingering bug or a new bug.
Friday we are on our way to see doctor Tanaguchi to decide what to do with more phenol botox procedures. I guess we'll find out more Friday.
School is going great for Christina and she really likes to go. She is so exited to tell about her day when I pick her up. Also in the school transition process she has become a daddy's girl 110%. It is now all about daddy. I know that Derek is enjoying this. I on the other hand enjoy it for daddy but miss my little girl.
Tomorrow Christina is getting her pictures done by herself by Giles for UCP events and to be published. I am hoping that she is up to it and in a great mood. Today she seems under the weather and has a slight fever. So I am not sure if it is the same lingering bug or a new bug.
Friday we are on our way to see doctor Tanaguchi to decide what to do with more phenol botox procedures. I guess we'll find out more Friday.
School is going great for Christina and she really likes to go. She is so exited to tell about her day when I pick her up. Also in the school transition process she has become a daddy's girl 110%. It is now all about daddy. I know that Derek is enjoying this. I on the other hand enjoy it for daddy but miss my little girl.