Saturday, October 29, 2016, 15:31 - General
Posted by Administrator
So I figured I should check my backups. Of course I am behind.Posted by Administrator
Backup the backup
I started burning DVDs of the pictures, videos, etc. I have several months to do. Argh, bad Derek.
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Christina and her pumpkin.
And one with the pumpkin lit up.

Halloween Time
We carved the pumpkin Christina picked out. Christina chose the style of eyes, nose, mouth, and teeth. She also was a big help.
I would say she is pleased with our work.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016, 20:52 - General
Posted by Administrator
The leaves have been raked. Then played in. And followed by mulching. Then mowing. And finally discarded.Posted by Administrator
OK, ready for the next project.

Monday, October 24, 2016, 05:28 - General
Posted by Administrator
Time for carving pumpkins.Posted by Administrator
I will try to get some pics of Christina and her pumpkin up to share.

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