Happy Easter!!! 
Sunday, April 4, 2010, 07:36 - General
Posted by Administrator
Happy Easter internet world!!!
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Easter prep 
Saturday, April 3, 2010, 02:17 - General
Posted by Administrator
I am looking forward to Christina looking for her Easter basket. And, if I can plan around the rain we will hunt for candy filled eggs outside.

Dinner is prepped and looking yummy. Nothing traditional. Steak and mashed potatoes. Sauted onions and mushrooms. Haven't decided on a veggie yet, either brocoli, carrots, asparagus, or none.

Happy Easter!!!
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Warm Sunny Day 
Friday, April 2, 2010, 01:47 - General, Christina
Posted by Administrator
A warm and sunny day here meant Christina and spent lots of time outside. We went for several walks and walked barefoot in the grass. Christina loves the feeling on her toes, even the prickly brown grass.

I tried to convince Christina to help me color eggs for Easter, but she wanted me to hold her so we argued and I ended up coloring them. I also packed some plastic eggs with candy. The plan is to stash some around the yard and have Christina look for them. I'll have her hunt for her Easter basket too.

Other updates are the same 'ol stuff. Still not sleeping well and my eating habits are not getting better. Stress, ugh.

For those who are aware, happy Holy Thursday.
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Weekend Fun 
Monday, March 22, 2010, 07:25 - General, Christina
Posted by Administrator
It was a pretty good weekend. Saturday, Christina and I met some of the extended family for breakfast. We had to get up early and had an hour drive. Christina was a wonderful little girl. The car ride went well there and back and she was more cheery than me for that time of the morning. Christina sat on grandpa's lap with only a few tears to start and then it was talking and telling stories.

Both of us were a little off the rest of the day. We were tired and Christina did not want to nap. Mid afternoon I held Christina for a nap and ended up falling asleep too. There are times I miss those days and it was nice to have Christina take a nap laying on me.

Sunday we went to the park and met Sheri and Dylan there. Christina enjoyed being there, but was a little leery of everything. We also went for a walk in the morning. It was sunny and the temp was workable.

Easter is coming up and I think we are going to stay home. I'm still undecided if I'm going to make a big dinner. It has been awhile and I miss cooking a big meal.

Still working on pictures.
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Wonderful Weather 
Monday, March 15, 2010, 23:35 - General, Christina
Posted by Administrator
We have had wonderful weather here. This past weekend Christina and I spent a lot of time outside. Now if only I can get everything done in the house.

Christina and I went to the Children's Museum for the first time on Sunday. We met Dan, Sheri, and Dylan there. It was fun, going to definately go again.

The family breakfast is coming up and I am looking forward to seeing everyone again.

For those of you who check out the pictures online, I am working on them to make it more user friendly and efficient. Slowly I should add.

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