With all the disagreements amongst the public workers, who is the voice of those really affected the children. Is anyone worried about their pension, the one they will need an education for.
Christina was not a big fan of the pool today. There were a lot of kids today. I think she is keeping a touch of the flu at bay and she prefers more mellow. Christina was super talkative today.
Feeling productive tonight. Bread is ready for the oven tomorrow, soup thawing for lunch, chicken out for supper, all the dishes are done, and I'm updating the blog.
There is nothing better than the understanding touch of a child.
Watching the screen saver I found these two caught my attention.

Christina was not a big fan of the pool today. There were a lot of kids today. I think she is keeping a touch of the flu at bay and she prefers more mellow. Christina was super talkative today.
Feeling productive tonight. Bread is ready for the oven tomorrow, soup thawing for lunch, chicken out for supper, all the dishes are done, and I'm updating the blog.
There is nothing better than the understanding touch of a child.
Watching the screen saver I found these two caught my attention.
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Thursday, February 17, 2011, 22:53 - General
Posted by Administrator
I managed to go through more pictures. That accomplished two things: first, it allowed me to choose which ones to print. Second, I updated the slideshow.Posted by Administrator
I enjoy going through pictures; however, I get caught up looking at them and spend a lot of time on them. I made it through eight months. Only about 50 more to go. Thank goodness for sales on prints. I am excited for them to come.

The weather has been good to us lately and we have been enjoying the time outside.
Christina did wonderful in the gait trainer outside. She has much more room to use to navigate around.
It has also been amusing to watch Christina take steps in the snow. I don't know if it is the mushy snow or just because it is different Christina's steps are very purposeful. For those who do not know what I mean you would have to see it. She was a little timid when I held her on the snow bank, but once she realized what we were doing the snow bank was not long enough.
The Wissota Winter Classic was on Saturday and we went, but Christina was a little tired so we did not stay long. Her teeth were also bothersome most of the weekend and I am sure that contributed to her not wanting to stay also. Christina respite friend Aushleana joined us there.
Christina and I also talked to aunt Carmen this weekend. Christina prefers holding the phone as opposed to using the computer.
Christina did wonderful in the gait trainer outside. She has much more room to use to navigate around.
It has also been amusing to watch Christina take steps in the snow. I don't know if it is the mushy snow or just because it is different Christina's steps are very purposeful. For those who do not know what I mean you would have to see it. She was a little timid when I held her on the snow bank, but once she realized what we were doing the snow bank was not long enough.
The Wissota Winter Classic was on Saturday and we went, but Christina was a little tired so we did not stay long. Her teeth were also bothersome most of the weekend and I am sure that contributed to her not wanting to stay also. Christina respite friend Aushleana joined us there.
Christina and I also talked to aunt Carmen this weekend. Christina prefers holding the phone as opposed to using the computer.

Monday, February 14, 2011, 08:06 - General
Posted by Administrator
Happy Valentine's Day to all!!!Posted by Administrator

I received Christina's school pictures today and they are beautiful. Christina is such a cutie.
Now to decide where to hang them.
Now to decide where to hang them.

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