Coming Home 
Friday, February 17, 2012, 23:51 - General, Derek, Christina
Posted by Administrator
Ahhh... it is good to be home.

Christina is feeling much better. We must keep an eye on her for a few weeks, but I am confident the princess is done with this round of sickness.

It was nice to snuggle with Christina, but I'd rather not have her in the hospital. Maybe Christina and I can have some extra snuggle time every few weeks. It was very peaceful resting with the princess when she was not in pain. I did not sleep well, but is was very peaceful in its own way.

Christina's diagnosis is serum sickness and drug eruption caused by the antibiotic she was taking for the respiratory sickness she caught the week before.

It was so hard on Christina. She was in so much pain and discomfort. Christina was quite the trooper and did her best in the hospital.

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UCP Telethon 
Tuesday, January 31, 2012, 08:47 - General, Derek
Posted by Administrator
The UCP Starfest Telethon went well. Christina was so well behaved and we had a good time. Christina and I had our three minutes of fame.

Christina's latest round of Phenol blocks and Botox have been pleasing. Her hand motions put a smile on my face.

Christina has also continued being a chatter box. Christina loves to talk and sing. Her speech is getting easier to understand.

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Play and Therapy 
Friday, January 20, 2012, 20:01 - General, Derek, Christina
Posted by Administrator
Met with UCP and someone from the school district about other equipment and toys for Christina. Good meeting and lots of brain storming.

I think Christina might be a little spoiled. ;)

The colder temps have been a nice change. It's cold, but its winter and has been quite mild.

Christina's surgery went well; however, now the princess is coming down with a cold or something. We'll plan on a mellow weekend. If I'm lucky maybe some serious cuddle time with my baby.

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Monday, January 9, 2012, 08:16 - General
Posted by Administrator
ce.Warm cold warm cold. Weather needs to decide what month it wants to be. The warm weather was nice for taking down the Christmas decor. If we get cold weather we should really have snow.

Updated the home network. Pricing more drive space. 1.85 TB of data so far. Who would have thought 5 years ago.

Trying to keep up with pictures of Christina.

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Pretty Princess 
Wednesday, December 28, 2011, 11:36 - General, Derek
Posted by Administrator
Pretty Pictures of the Princess.

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