Hot Enough 
Wednesday, August 3, 2011, 00:35 - General, Derek
Posted by Administrator
So as the weather cools down(ha) it is 73°, a dew point of 72°, and a real feel of 83°. And that is cooler, hmm. Everything is relative. Winter where are you.

Christina and I had fun this past weekend. We went to a family reunion and got to see relatives I have not seen in ages and got to meet many more. It was a good time. Christina tolerated the heat better than some.

Our outside play has been limited with the heat. I have noticed even the neighbor kids have not been out much. Christina still keeps me running in the house.

Another round of Phenol blocks and Botox is coming up and my mind is already tossing every thought possible over it. Ugh. I have been reading a book about advocating for your child and it is informative enough to get me thinking about how lucky we have been with doctors, therapists, and insurance. There is very little positive in what I have read so far.

The slideshow of pictures should be updated tonight. Enjoy!!!

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Busy Time 
Wednesday, July 27, 2011, 15:29 - General
Posted by Administrator
Lots of stuff going on.

I opted to reinstall the OS. It took five days to finish getting the last of the software and updates done. Now the data files are being copied over. Should be done tonight. Woo Hoo.

I have more pictures from 2006 printed so I can work on my collages. I have been on time updating the slideshow of Christina.

There was a good article about photo-blogging I came across. The downside is the means they suggested to set one up. I want to do it myself, I don't see a reason to use a third party.

The heat has continued and I am still ready for winter. These temps are crazy.

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Too Much Heat 
Friday, July 22, 2011, 12:33 - General
Posted by Administrator
These temps are awful. I like it cooler and this is not cooler by far. Christina likes it even cooler than I do.

I read an article today that got the emotions going. ... 05093.html
Remember that those directly involved are only the tip of the problem. There are layers of administration that have a hand in problems such as this.

I have been updating the slideshow, pictures, and videos once a week. Yea me for keeping up. Enjoy!!!

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What is an ISP? 
Wednesday, July 13, 2011, 12:57 - General
Posted by Administrator
For many internet users they do not know what an ISP is. ISP is short for Internet Service Provider. The company providing the internet to you. A well explained article is put out by good 'ol Uncle Sam. You can find it here:

For those around here examples are Charter, AT&T, ClearWire, and all the cell companies.

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We'll Miss You Simon 
Tuesday, July 12, 2011, 23:57 - General
Posted by Administrator
Simon left us after 20 years. We will miss you Simon.
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