Been Slacking 
Saturday, April 23, 2016, 05:13 - General
Posted by Administrator
As it is uncomfortable to sit at the computer, I have not kept up on posting. I will try to do better.

I did manage to figure out how far behind I am on backups. UGH!

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Oh My Back 
Thursday, April 21, 2016, 10:03 - General
Posted by Administrator
I managed to hurt my back several weeks ago. Not fun.

Christina was tolerant of my situation. Christina was not however pleased with my lack of movement.
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Social Life 
Tuesday, March 29, 2016, 23:58 - General
Posted by Administrator
It is nice to have a social life and not leave the house.
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The Promo email that sparked my social story. 
Thursday, March 24, 2016, 05:24 - General
Posted by Administrator
This email spoke of a little girl battling a mysterious disease. I glanced over the summary and smiled at the good in society helping this little girl. Reading further, the word pajamas caught my eye. Short version of the story, some guy is raising money to buy pajamas for needy kids. Cool.

I have been looking at pajamas for Christina as it is time for new ones. Now you know why seeing pajamas in an email got my attention.

Side note. Daddy has to get pajamas for Christina. Christina does not want to go shopping for pajamas. Christina wants daddy to pick out pajamas she will like without her feedback. Ugh.

The fundraiser raised more than the gentleman had hoped. Bonus, more pajamas for the kiddos. So my mind wandered to: how social media had helped this goal. And then to, how social media had helped my goal. And next, how social media has changed for me.

More later, Christina requests my presence.
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Promotional Emails 
Wednesday, March 23, 2016, 15:21 - General
Posted by Administrator
I received an email from Go Fund Me promoting their service. I typically read the first few lines of an email and then delete if it is an advertisement. One particular email mentioned a little girl battling a mysterious disease. Typical email; however, this time I was curious. So I opened the email.

Da da daaa....
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