Date With Dad 
Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 07:49 - General, Doctor
Posted by Administrator
Christina and I went to the Date With Dad scavenger hunt hosted by the Eau Claire Area School District Head Start/Early Learning Programs, the Family Resource Center, and Western Dairyland Head Start.

It was fun. Christina had a great time while we hunted for nature items in the park. She also thought it was hilarious to take my name tag off and throw it on the ground. We found all sorts of stuff, like a flower, mushroom, spider web, and a squirrel.

We also touched the water in the creek. Christina did very well reaching for the water by herself.

The next outing is at the apple orchard.
Nap Time 
Saturday, September 19, 2009, 13:42 - General, Doctor
Posted by Administrator
Christina and I had some disagreements today. She would not eat breakfast for me nor lunch. We went for a short walk.

For nap time I opted to hold her and sit in the chair. It has been along time since we sat together to relax Christina is asleep on my lap now, I'm tired, and I can't sleep.

Daddy and Christina cuddle time, I can go without sleep for that.
Friday, September 18, 2009, 07:19 - General, Doctor
Posted by Administrator
Yesterday Angela and I met with Barb from UCP. Barb stops by every week or two to go over things we encounter while parenting Christina. Barb asked if Christina would be a spokes person for UCP. Her pretty smile will be on various brochures and on the telethon.

Christina and I also went to the park yesterday. We wore each other out. Lots of walking. Then we had an ice cream sandwich for a snack when we came home.

This morning the little squirt was up at 04:30. I think she had a bad dream.

Off to work I go.
Christina School 
Sunday, September 13, 2009, 21:06 - General, Doctor
Posted by Administrator
Where to start with updates...

Christina had her first day of school on 09/08/2009, it went well. She was great up until she had to sit in her kid cart towards the end. Not surprising she did not like it, she does not like it at home anymore either.

Tomorrow brings Christina's second day. She is going Mondays and Tuesdays for now. By end of year, up to four days.

Angela and Christina saw Karleen at the park today. They had a nice visit.

Angela found some small cups with handles and a straw that is just the right size for Christina. Christina is able to hold on to them by herself and bring the straw to her mouth and drink. We are very proud of her.

As I type, I can hear Christina in her room still talking and crying. She does not want to sleep tonight. Angela is already in bed and I think it is close to time for me too. It has been a long weekend.

Christina has been very talkative lately too. We sing, say the alphabet, count, say words, and make funny noises together. She enjoys being more vocal, I think she likes to hear herself talk.

There are more things to tell everyone and I can't think. It is time to call it a night.

Soon I will have the page done to be able to see all of the pictures we have of Christina.

Christina's First Haircut 
Saturday, August 29, 2009, 22:04 - General, Doctor
Posted by Administrator
Christina had her first haircut today. She sat very well with no tears. Her curls really show now.

Evan and Cole came over today also. We had fun. Evan and I baked cookies. Christina and I played hide and seek with them. Christina had a lot of fun. She did not want to stop. Christina even was quiet when we were hiding. And, she counted with me.

It was a full house and a lot of fun.

Update on the Fam 
Thursday, August 13, 2009, 06:53 - Christina, Doctor
Posted by Administrator
Well, it has been very busy and stressful here. I'll start with the update for Angela so the update on Christina makes more sense.

After several tests and trips to the U of M, Angela finally had surgery on her leg. The docs needed to do more work than anticipated once inside. Needless to say, Angela is in pain. She is following orders and staying off her leg and keeping it up. Late Monday afternoon her ankle bulged and and became very painful. We went to the ER and called her surgeon at U of M. It is bleeding inside and swelled around the area. Lots of pain and not much to do except put more pressure on it. Angela is healing and wishing it would go faster. Being in this position is frustrating for Angela.

Christina has developed more of an attitude since about a week before Angela's surgery. She wants mommy, and only mommy. We think she is very aware of Angela's feelings and wants to console mommy.

With Angela not able to play with Christina like she used to, Angela gets more frustrated. Christina gets more cuddly with mommy. If Christina hears or sees Angela she starts whining. Christina has had a lot of time outs and stern reprimands. When Angela is not around Christina is wonderful for most of the time.

My update, well, I'm healthy. I am ready for a vacation. When everything settles down, I will go camping. It bothers me that Christina and I bump heads with her attitude. Down the road I am sure it will be beneficial, but right now it adds to the concerns at hand.

Oh yeah, Angela may need to have the same surgery again on the other veins in the same leg if they fail now that the others are gone. That would be a few months down the road though.

Birthday Party 
Monday, July 13, 2009, 07:12 - Doctor
Posted by Administrator
Christina's birthday party went well. We had a small group over on Saturday the 11th. Cole and his family, Cory and Deb, Dan, and Patti came over. Sammy and his grandma stopped by later.

And, Angela and I had a date night. Christina hung out with Cory and Deb while Angela and I spent some quality time together. No computer, ipod, phone, cleaning, picking up, etc. We stayed home and watched a movie together. We watched the whole movie. Have not been able to do that for three years. I enjoyed that.

Time for me to go to work and I hear Christina starting to wake up.

Development Doc 
Tuesday, June 02, 2009, 21:57 - General, Doctor, Events
Posted by Administrator
On the 1st, Christina had another appointment in the cities. We went to see Dr. Moore. He is pleased with Christina's progress. The good news... Angela and I get to deal with a typical two year old.

The next round of Phenol blocks and Botox is scheduled in two weeks. It will be a very long week. We will head up Wednesday, have surgery on Thursday, keep Christina mellow the rest of the day, switch hotels Friday and go to the rehearsal dinner for dad's wedding, dad gets married on Saturday and then head home on Sunday. Hopefully with time to enjoy Father Day with some Daddy and Christina time.

I also picked up another domain. I am trying to organize the domains a little better and keep the files clean. I have to import Christina's blog again before transferring it over to the new server.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009, 21:49 - General, Christina, Doctor
Posted by Administrator
The bedtime routine has changed since Angela came back from California. I still put Christina down for bed after her bath and meds. The plan is to have Angela try on Friday to put Christina down the same way I do.

Christina is by no means asleep, not even close the last few days. I lay with her for a couple minutes, give her a kiss and tell her goodnight. Then it is out of bed I go. Christina has been able to calm herself and fall asleep.

It is tough for Angela, her little baby is not a baby any more. And it is difficult for both of us to listen to her cry. Christina has come a long way.
Daddy's Little Girl 
Thursday, May 21, 2009, 06:35 - General, Christina, Doctor
Posted by Administrator
Christina is still upset at Angela for taking holiday. It has been two full days and Christina has whined most of the day.

It has been hot here and I think she is uncomfortable. She feels like a furnace and is only wearing shorts and a short sleeve shirt.

Bedtime has officially changed. I do the full bedtime routine; bath, lotion, bouncing, meds, cuddles(so she burps). Then we give mommy hugs and kisses and go to bed. I lay in there for a couple minutes and then give her a kiss goodnight.

We are going to continue this for a week or two then have Angela give it a try.

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