Bowling Alley 
Monday, April 04, 2011, 22:03 - General
Posted by Administrator
Saturday we went to the bowling alley. When we first got there I think everyone threw a ball at the same time. Christina was startled and fussed a bit, but once the noise settled all was OK. Christina walked a lot on the multi-colored carpet.

We borrowed an activity chair from school to see how well it would work at home. Although not definite, it worked well in most scenarios. Christina also preferred the activity chair verses the Kid Kart.

Christina took wonderful steps in the gait trainer also. It is amusing and frustrating at the same time as Christina fusses when getting placed in the gait trainer and then takes off cruising around the house. I am looking forward to consistent good weather to give her a workout outside.

The Phenol blocks and Botox have definitely made a difference for Christina. A noticeable difference can be seen as the Botox has reached its peak. Christina's leg and arm movements are much better. She is opening her hands more and her vocalization is amazing.

Christina I am so very proud of you.

The slideshow will be updated within a couple days.

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