Fighting the Flu 
Wednesday, March 02, 2011, 22:13 - General
Posted by Administrator
Christina has been doing well overall. She has been fighting off a touch of the flu lately with success. Christina has felt a little icky, but it hasn't slowed her too much. Those molars are still hanging out below the gums and are painful most days.

Christina has enjoyed being outside every chance we have had. It is fun to watch her excited to walk in the snow and then slow down and check out why it is more work walking in the packy stuff.

Christina is also in a slide-down-the-stairs phase again. She doesn't mind the walk up and really enjoys the way down.

Christina and I made chocolate cookies the other day with dark chocolate chips and they turned out beautiful. Christina had a blast stirring everything together. I helped once the dough was too thick to stir easily.

I will work on getting more pictures updated on the slideshow.

Christina's next round of Phenol blocks and Botox is coming up quickly. Just a couple more weeks.

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