More walkin news... 
Saturday, August 09, 2008, 22:08 -
Posted by Administrator
So I am walking the hallway at the YMCA almost every time I go swimming. I am getting pretty good at it. Mommy didn't take me swimming this week I was sick and then she got real sick too. Daddy took me today and we had fun. This is the first time I went swimming with just daddy.

I can sit up at the coffee table all on my own now. I sit on my stool and put my hands on the table and can keep myself up for a long time. It sure is hard work but I can do it. I can not wait to show Katie, my PT. She had her baby boy on Sunday. So I won't be seeing her for a couple of months.

Mommy and Daddy are so proud of me. I am proud of myself too.

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