Saturday, November 24, 2007, 14:44 -
Posted by Administrator
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. We had our first Thanksgiving. Our bird was bigger than me by 4 lbs. Mommy took pictures and I will post them, they are of me and the bird. Supper was very good. Grandma Patty and Grand Harp came over to eat and play.

My contrast study came back all perfect we just got the letter from Dr. Aru. My appointment with Tamaguchi went great too. He said that I am not a candidate for any anti spastic medications or botox. I  have tone and it is a problem but I can relax it. I did however, get fitted for AFO's and we will go back and get them in a couple of weeks. We are still waiting for the gait trainer.

Pictures will soon follow. Bye for now.

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