A Must Read 
Friday, February 24, 2012, 11:17 - General
Posted by Administrator
This site is a must check out.

Every story of being in the hospital is different. After reading a few of the posts, I can tell you that there are many similarities with my own story.

Enjoy. And be ready to shed a tear.

Same stuff 
Wednesday, February 22, 2012, 09:19 - General
Posted by Administrator
Not much change, but wanted to post something to try and get back into the habit.

Christina is feeling better. The parent/teacher conference went well and was informative.

I am fighting off a cold/flu. Very ready to play with the princess outside.

Parent Teacher Conference 
Wednesday, February 22, 2012, 09:15 - General
Posted by Administrator
Christina's parent teacher conference was yesterday. Christina is a joy to have in class.

Christina does well with the other children and they enjoy interacting with her.

I also got some new ideas for tools for activities. And we are coming up with a game plan for Christina's iPad.

Christina is continuing to feel better and I think is read to go back to school.

Coming Home 
Friday, February 17, 2012, 23:51 - General, Christina, Doctor
Posted by Administrator
Ahhh... it is good to be home.

Christina is feeling much better. We must keep an eye on her for a few weeks, but I am confident the princess is done with this round of sickness.

It was nice to snuggle with Christina, but I'd rather not have her in the hospital. Maybe Christina and I can have some extra snuggle time every few weeks. It was very peaceful resting with the princess when she was not in pain. I did not sleep well, but is was very peaceful in its own way.

Christina's diagnosis is serum sickness and drug eruption caused by the antibiotic she was taking for the respiratory sickness she caught the week before.

It was so hard on Christina. She was in so much pain and discomfort. Christina was quite the trooper and did her best in the hospital.

Feeling Better 
Friday, February 17, 2012, 23:26 - General, Christina
Posted by Administrator
Woo Hoo!

Christina was discharged from the hospital today. What a good feeling to go home. We're not out of the woods yet, but well on our way.

We'll keep a close eye on the princess. This hospital visit kept me worried for way too long.

Christina is feeling much better and will be back to par soon.

I can't to get our walking in and some outside time.

Hospital Update 
Thursday, February 16, 2012, 11:00 - General, Christina
Posted by Administrator
Christina's diagnosis is serum sickness and medication eruption. Both of them caused horrible rash like stuff all over her body.

Good news first. Christina's estimated discharge is Friday. The rash is almost completely gone. The swelling is down. The pain is managed. Christina's tone is ok.

Unfortunatly the amount of meds to keep her comfortable is still an extreme amount.

We have switched to almost all oral medications. Christina will be on a steroid for a few weeks at home. There is also the possibility of a recurrence for up to six weeks. It can be just as debilitating be we are hoping not.

Dr. Taniguchi stopped by; it was good to see a familiar face. I explained what Christina was going thru and he agreed that the Valium was a good choice to manage her spasticity.
Hospital Visit 
Saturday, February 11, 2012, 11:00 - General, Christina
Posted by Administrator
Christina went to urgent care Friday evening. This morning in to the ER.

Christina has a rash that came quickly. A fever, belly ache, viral infection add to the mix. It's a thought that the antibiotics caused the rash but not known for sure.

A dose of steroids, Benadryl, ibuprofen and two bags of fluids so far. The princess has perked up a little, but now the Benadryl has made her sleepy.

Will post more when I can.

Not Feeling Well 
Friday, February 03, 2012, 12:40 - General
Posted by Administrator
Our little princess is sick.

Christina has the start of an ear infection, a cough, sinus woes, and the start of pneumonia. She is on a couple of antibiotics and we hope to have her back to well quickly. Christina is in great spirits even though she is sick.

We'll plan for mellow play the next few days. Maybe ice cream and cookies are in order.

Christina now has a fever and the vomiting has started. This storm will get worse before better.

UCP Telethon 
Tuesday, January 31, 2012, 08:47 - General, Christina
Posted by Administrator
The UCP Starfest Telethon went well. Christina was so well behaved and we had a good time. Christina and I had our three minutes of fame.

Christina's latest round of Phenol blocks and Botox have been pleasing. Her hand motions put a smile on my face.

Christina has also continued being a chatter box. Christina loves to talk and sing. Her speech is getting easier to understand.

UCP Telethon 
Tuesday, January 31, 2012, 07:28 - General, Doctor
Posted by Administrator
The UCP Starfest Telethon went wonderful. Christina had a good time. The princess was great on TV.

Over $200,000 was raised. Thank you to all who donated. And thank you to everyone who volunteered their time.

Christina is doing great. This round of shots has been good.

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